Thursday, April 19, 2012

Track Ready.

I know I haven't finished up where I left off with the brake upgrades. The last week has been a little crazy with work and such. And up until yesterday I didn't plan on going to this Friday's season opener track day. Now that a track day is in the line up all the little projects I'd been meaning to get to got put into fast forward.
-Lower temp thermostat
-Oil change with heavier weight oil
-Finish up some one the yet to be seen changes to the braking setup.

(excuse the blur, it's late and I'm tired.)

General maintenance to make sure that everything is buttoned up and ready to roll tomorrow. It's been over a week since I drove the car, with the weather getting nicer, and my want to save money, and hopefully a little of the environment I've been riding the bike every day. Switching back to the Miata is odd, its probably the first time the car has felt fast, I don't remember the spacing of the gears, and it rides so much lower than my little Honda commuter bike. It's time to remember how to do all this before I hit the track Saturday. Last stop before that is a family friend's local shop for new transmission and differential fluid. Its hard to believe I've put 25 thousand miles on my car since this time last year, but I have.

The most important thing is I'm joining my friend Bart, and instead of spending the day instructing, PJ. They're both bringing their S2000's out for the day. Its sad to think that it may be one of the last track days I have with them both.

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